Re: Request for Linux Kernel Mailing List archives

From: Oleg Verych
Date: Thu Jun 21 2007 - 02:08:43 EST

* Newsgroups: gmane.linux.kernel
* Date: Wed, 20 Jun 2007 11:10:53 -0700
>> For example, if a message had:
>> Message-ID: <4676C78D.8040208@xxxxxxxxx>
>> ... and I could just generate a URL:
> gmane can do that:

To have Gmane (news<=>e-mail [and web]) engine[s] on the will
be the best thing ever!

The "News<=>e-mail" part is major because of things, i've learned after
using it with (_mature_ news reader) slrn. Any web interface, basic like
in, or comprehensive, like Gmane's one can't replace
functionality news server(Gmane)/reader is giving to you (summary):

* You don't receive (or annoyingly bounce) huge traffic.
. big backlogs are handled easily in many cases, like getting
e-mails, replying in interesting threads, just don't care about
flames. I've just removed (by one key-press) 300, 200, 100 messages
of Dual-Licensing thread, because i trust Linus.

* Interesting discussions are easily saved(by threads) on your side, so
you can search them or read (any mbox format reader, like `mutt -f`)

* (slrn) Searching Message-Id as easy as one key-combination and one
copy/paste {1}

* (slrn) Restoring of whole thread from one e-mail (or {1}) -- one

* (slrn + Gmane) headers have "Archived-At" entry, so i can just
copy/paste it for web-based users

* (slrn + Gmane) listing of news-groups (actually ML<=>Gmane-NEWS)
as easy as all above: patterns, one key-combination

* i bet much more, than i've just told.

And that's pretty why i'm happy to be with. After abandoning Mozilla
(buggy, memory hungry ever stuff), X and having console, screen, slrn,
lynx, emacs-nox i'm a pretty much more efficient that any time back.

All web, rss, other XML/WEB-2.0 crap does will not help. Get your
developers back -- use and publish healthy ways and tools to use!

I mean, come on, that's easy, rather than develop IMHO useless
e-mail/patch brokenness (WRT plain-text) checkers and docs.

Publish your way of being productive and saving environment! (tm:)

>> (Extra points if all the vger lists are available, not just LKML.)
> gmane has thousands of free software mailing lists. I don't know
> whether it has all of the vger lists.

There are many, that i'm aware of: kernel, commits, ide, net, usb,
archs(amd64 at least), sparse, git...

Namespace in Gmane is a little bit wrong. For example
gmane.linux.kernel and gmane.linux.debian.*

I.e. Linux kernel (with sub-parts) is in noise of distributions, while
latter can have different kernel actually (e.g. kfreebsd in the Debian).
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