Re: Dual-Licensing Linux Kernel with GPL V2 and GPL V3

From: david
Date: Mon Jun 18 2007 - 19:40:33 EST

On Tue, 19 Jun 2007, Johannes Stezenbach wrote:

On Mon, Jun 18, 2007, Alexandre Oliva wrote:

People talk a lot about TiVo here, but do they the faintest idea of
how the conversations with TiVo are proceeding? I thought so...

Oh, if you know something we don't, could you please fill us in?
And who was it who coined the "Tivoization" term, thus putting
TiVo into focus?

what conversations are going on?

Tivo checked years ago and were told that what they were going to do was Ok. I don't know thatanyone is talking too Tivo about anything. they are just screaming about how evil Tivo is at every public opportunity.

David Lang

But since the software is good, and moving to another software would be costly in various dimentions, the vendor has an incentive to stick with the software they have.

but if regulations or other contracts require tamper-resistant hardware they have no choices other then to fork the existing GPLv2 versions or switch to alternate options for anything that switches to GPLv3

David Lang
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