Re: GPLv3 dispute solution - new open source license?

From: david
Date: Mon Jun 18 2007 - 18:43:21 EST

On Mon, 18 Jun 2007, Joshua David Williams wrote:

On 6/18/07, Carlo Wood <carlo@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Now, writing yet another license for the linux kernel is
therefore NOT the solution - if you get my drift.

The new license could be written to be compatible with both versions of the
GPL. IMO, a new license written from the OSS perspective would behoove us
greatly in that we are no longer subject to this Higher Calling of the FSF
and the Church of Emacs.

no it couldn't

the GPLv2 says that if you combine it with any other license the result must be GPLv2

the GPLv3 says that if you combine it with any other license the result must be GPLv3

so you have one requirement saying that the result must be GPLv2 and another that says you must be GPLv3. there isn't any way to resolve this conflict.

David Lang
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