Re: [PATCH] RTC: Use fallback IRQ if PNP tables don't provide one

From: Matthieu CASTET
Date: Mon May 28 2007 - 14:51:25 EST


On Mon, 28 May 2007 18:24:18 +0100, Matthew Garrett wrote:

> From: Matthew Garrett <mjg59@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Intel Macs (and possibly other machines) provide a PNP entry for the
> RTC, but provide no IRQ. As a result the rtc-cmos driver doesn't allow
> wakeup alarms. If the RTC is located at the legacy ioport range, assume
> that it's on IRQ 8 unless the tables say otherwise.
I post something via gmane this morning, but it seems it was lost :

Did you check if there aren't multiple configuration for rtc (one with
irq, and
one without it) ?

What's the ouput of
$ for i in /sys/bus/pnp/devices/*; do if [ "$(cat $i/id)" = PNP0b00 ];
then cat
$i/resources; echo options; cat $i/options; fi; done


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