Re: IPv6 router advertisement broken on 2.6.20-rc5

From: Bob Tracy
Date: Tue Jan 16 2007 - 17:45:40 EST

Aurelien Jarno wrote:
> I have just tried a 2.6.20-rc5 kernel (I previously used a 2.6.19 one),
> and I have noticed that the IPv6 router advertisement functionality is
> broken. The interface is not attributed an IPv6 address anymore, despite
> /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/all/ra_accept being set to 1 (also true for each
> individual interface configuration).
> Using tcpdump, I am seeing the router advertisement messages arriving on
> the interface, but they seems to be ignored.

ACK as far as seeing the same thing. Another symptom: ping6 to the
link-local all-nodes address (ff02::1) is similarly broken. tcpdump
shows the packets on the wire, but there's no response. The most
recent kernel from where IPv6 seems to be behaving properly
is 2.6.20-rc3.

Bob Tracy WTO + WIPO = DMCA?
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