Re: 2.6.18 mmap hangs unrelated apps

From: Christian Kuhn
Date: Sat Dec 16 2006 - 08:25:38 EST


Am Donnerstag, den 14.12.2006, 20:30 -0600 schrieb Michal Sabala:
> I am observing processes entering uninterruptible sleep apparently due
> to an unrelated application using mmap over nfs. Applications in
> "uninterruptible sleep" hang indefinitely while other applications
> continue working properly.

I have a similar issue that seems to be related to this. If I start a
copy process to a nfs mount, this leads to one other process starving
for a while.

This can be reproduced with vanilla 2.6.17,18,19 and 19.1 by starting a
cp to a nfs share and running a local kernel untar at the same time.
After some seconds the tar hangs for arbitrary time. The system is
stable as long as nfs is not used.

Neither logs nor dmesg show anything of interest.

I have already stripped down my (not tainted) x86_64 kernel as far as I
could, this is a amd athlon X2 with a nforce chipset, ubuntu edgy eft
and gentoo. I have tested the usual subjects, disabled smp, apic, acpi,
preemption, some other nic, no X and such.

I will provide any information needed to track this down. But I am not a
kernel hacker and will need advice on how to do this.

Thank You,

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