Re: [PATCH] usbhid quirks for macbook(pro) (was: Re: Fwd: Re:[linux-usb-devel] usb initialization order (usbhid vs. appletouch))
From: Joseph Fannin
Date: Sat Dec 09 2006 - 21:55:27 EST
On Fri, 2006-12-08 at 18:19 +0100, Soeren Sonnenburg wrote:
> ok, this patch was now in the mactel svn repository since about a month
> and I've never ever seen a report about it failing. Also I asked on the
> mailinglist for anyone having problems with that and got no answer,
> execpt Joseph, the problem you have been seeing might have been that
> one:
> I would therefore hope it can be applied and thus appear in .20. I am
> attaching the version that is now in mactel-svn (which also includes
> geyser4 support).
I've since gotten my Macbook's trackpad working with the Appletouch
driver also, now, so make that no problems, please.
I don't know what the problems I was seeing were anymore, but I
think it was mostly the difficulty in getting it set up. I understand
that this should help fix that, and wish I hadn't tried to hold it up!
Joseph Fannin
jfannin@xxxxxxxxx | jhf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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