RFC - platform device, IRQs and SoC devices

From: Ian Molton
Date: Tue Nov 21 2006 - 11:07:43 EST

Hi there.

Im working on some SoC type devices attached to the system bus of my ARM devboard in an isa-like way.

The devices are small SoC (System On Chip) types, with one IRQ routed to the half dozen (sub)devices on board the SoC.

At present, I am using a platform driver for the 'core' which handles IRQ routing and device enumeration, and is currently passing the IRQ to be used by the subdevices in a struct resource (along with two or three IOMEM resources).

this, however means that the subdevice resource definitions must be copied in order that the IRQ field can be set dynamically.

One solution would be for there to be a method by which the subdevice can query the SoC core device for the base of its IRQ range, which would allow the subdevice data to be declared as a constant and not copied. This makes the declaration of the subdevices in the main driver very neat and compact.

can this be done with a 'platform device' or is this simply not possible?

the real problem seems (to me) to be that struct resource is held as an array. If it were a linked list, then I could hold all but the subdevice IRQ in const data and simply 'tack on' a single dynamically created IRQ resource to it.

I propose that a 'next' field be added to the struct resource. All existing code could remain the same for now, and continue to work, whilst newer device drivers could use the next-> field to taverse the list rather than treat it as an array.

if all 'linked' entries come before 'array style' ones, then the num_resources field would change to mean 'num_array_style_resources' and the last 'linked' type resource would point to the head of the array. The traversal routines would simply count the array offset from the first 'array style' entry (with a NULL next field) or, if num_resources is not set, assume all resources are linked, and the NULL ends the list of resources.

This would allow for both statically allocated const arrays of struct resource as we use now, and dynamically allocated resources, or a mix of both for the few weird cases like my problem above.


add struct resource *next; to struct resource.
rename num_resources as resource_array_len to indicate it only counts the number of resources listed in an array
allow resources to be added dynamically by altering the pointer to the firts resource and using that resources next pointer to point to the old list head (OR) the old array head.

possible enhancements:

get_first_resource() - return first resource added, making it easy to locate the first array type entry (if present)
remove_resource() - obvious, but perhaps not very useful.
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