Re: Sluggish system responsiveness on I/O

From: Prakash Punnoor
Date: Sat Nov 18 2006 - 08:25:18 EST

Am Samstag 18 November 2006 14:12 schrieb Christian:
> So I tried to nice the make and see what happens:
> nice 5 make -j4: Seems to make no difference. Heavy stuttering in glxgears
> and et
> nice 10 make -j4: Somewhat better but still unusable with et
> everything above nice 15 is usable. nice 19 has full interactivity, that
> means you can't make out a difference between no load and kernel compile
> while playing enemy-territory.
> I suspect that it has something to do with the priority boost for I/O hogs.
> But if this is a "general" scheduler problem, then why aren't more people
> complaining about this?

I complained about this a year ago, but not much has changed. :-( It gets esp
bad if you copy GB size files (the writes are the problemmakers, less the
reads) - no matter which io scheduler I use, though using deadline seems to
lessen the impact a little bit. And I don't find it acceptable to have to
play around with nice to get a responsible desktop, esp when one is using a

(°= =°)
//\ Prakash Punnoor /\\
V_/ \_V

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