Re: [patch] sched: optimize activate_task for RT task - v2

From: Mike Galbraith
Date: Wed Nov 15 2006 - 03:23:20 EST

On Wed, 2006-11-15 at 08:00 +0100, Mike Galbraith wrote:

> Personally, I think it's best to leave it as it is. With that change,
> if someone changes policy while the task is waiting to get cpu, it will
> be requeued, and the on-runqueue bonus logic will then end up using
> wildly inaccurate information.

Bah, that's inverted. interactive_sleep() will never be true after a
rt->non-rt policy change while enqueued with your change, so on-runqueue
bonus will be disabled where it otherwise might have been enabled. Not
terribly interesting in any case given the likelihood, but still...


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