Re: [PATCH] Apple Motion Sensor driver

From: Johannes Berg
Date: Mon Nov 13 2006 - 13:21:14 EST

On Mon, 2006-11-13 at 19:14 +0100, Jean Delvare wrote:

> For what it's worth, the hdaps driver offers a parameter to invert the
> axes at the driver level.

Ah ok.

> It sounds sane to me, as ideally we should be
> able to detect it from the hardware, and user-space should not need to
> care about hardware specific details.

Yeah well I figured we'd just put the parameter into userspace
instead :)

Thing is, there's simply no clear standard for accelerometer input
devices. If the left side of my input device (read powerbook here) is
lower, does the mouse cursor 'fall' with gravity, or does it 'float' up?
Neverball apparently expects it to fall with gravity.


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