Re: Why aren't partitions limited to fit within the device?

From: Alan Cox
Date: Mon Oct 16 2006 - 06:28:41 EST

Ar Llu, 2006-10-16 am 09:28 +0200, ysgrifennodd Xavier Bestel:
> > Hmmm.. So Alan things a partially-outside-this-disk partition
> > shouldn't show up at all, and Andries thinks it should.
> > And both give reasonably believable justifications.
> Maybe the whole part table should be marked as "weird" to let userspace
> run a diagnostics/repair tool on the disk.

I actually like the "read only" suggestion that was made. Allow data
access but protect from damage.

Both options will allow 'repair' of a broken partition table as the
partition will show up in fdisk which accesses stuff directly, and when
that causes a revalidate it will re-appear to the kernel.

Incidentally the question of exactly what libata should do about HPA
handling also needs sorting out.


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