Re: [PATCH 2/2] ioc4: Enable build on non-SN2

From: Jan Engelhardt
Date: Tue Oct 10 2006 - 14:57:49 EST

>> Mostly curious: did you observe that this is required?
>> I always thought that Roman said that unknown config variables
>> caused a rescan by kconfig. IOW, I thought that it wouldn't
>> be observable by a user. Just wondering..
>If it causes a rescan (I don't rightly know) it must have changed.
>I caught a bit of flak for an incorrectly ordered config statement
>once before, but that was a few years ago.

I am sure it causes a rescan, because activating
CONFIG_NETFILTER for example makes some options available that are
defined before NETFILTER, such as IP_ROUTE_FWMARK, IP_VS,
activating NETFILTER _will_ cause a rescan with `make oldconfig` - I
just tried. (Things are a little different with menuconfig/xconfig and
such of course)

>> The lines under ---help--- should be indented by 2 spaces (by
>> convention) (and even though they were not when in the /sn/ subdir).
>Thanks for catching that... I just blindly copied from one spot
>to another. I'll resend.

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