Re: Postal 56% waits for flock_lock_file_wait

From: Dave Jones
Date: Mon Oct 02 2006 - 13:41:11 EST

On Mon, Oct 02, 2006 at 06:51:56PM +0100, Alan Cox wrote:
> Ar Llu, 2006-10-02 am 13:11 -0400, ysgrifennodd Trond Myklebust:
> > Ext3 does not use flock() in order to lock its journal. The performance
> > issues that he is seeing may well be due to the journalling, but that
> > has nothing to do with flock_lock_file_wait.
> The ext3 journal also generally speaking improves many-writer
> performance as do the reservations so the claim seems odd on that basis
> too. Rerun the test on a gigabyte iRam or similar and you'll see where
> the non-media bottlenecks actually are

"or similar" maybe. The iRam is pretty much junk in my experience[*].
It rarely survives a mkfs, let alone sustained high throughput I/O.
(And yes, I did try multiple DIMMs, including ones which survive
memtest86 just fine).

Another "Boots Windows, ship it" QA disaster afaics.


[*] And from googling/talking with other owners, my experiences aren't unique.

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