Re: [PATCH] Linux Kernel Markers

From: Alan Cox
Date: Wed Sep 20 2006 - 06:09:56 EST

Ar Mer, 2006-09-20 am 11:39 +0200, ysgrifennodd Helge Hafting:
> Yes, 5 bytes is not an atomic write except on 64-bit. So a race is possible.

Untrue as well. Pentium and later have CMPXCHG8.

> How about this workaround:
> 1. Overwrite the start of the function with a hlt, which is atomic.
> 2. Write that 5-byte jump after the hlt.
> 3. Overwrite the hlt with nop so things will work
> 4. interrupt any cpus that got stuck on the hlt - or just wait for the
> timer.

CPU errata time again. You have to synchronize.


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