Re: Strange transmit corruption in jsm driver on geode sc1200system

From: Alan Cox
Date: Mon Aug 28 2006 - 14:44:55 EST

Ar Llu, 2006-08-28 am 14:11 -0400, ysgrifennodd Lennart Sorensen:
> Related to the SC1200, I notied cyrix.c doesn't actually know about the
> SC1200 that we are using. This one returs dir0_msn = 11, while cyrix.c
> only knows about 0 through 5. If I add 11 to the block handling geode

That is worth fixing.

> Does anyone know what should be called on this CPU type, and how to fix
> cyrix.c to handle it correcly rather than ignoring it?

The databook is available from I believe. You'd need to look
at that and see what needs setting. It is quite similar so it probably
will benefit a little - but that also depends what the BIOS does for you
and with ACPI that should be handled by the ACPI.

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