Re: cpufreq stops working after a while

From: Matthew Garrett
Date: Thu Aug 24 2006 - 12:12:59 EST

On Thu, Aug 24, 2006 at 10:44:28AM -0400, Mark Lord wrote:

> By definition, "passive" cooling never needs enabling -- this just refers
> to things like heat sinks and air vents.

In ACPI terms, passive cooling is forced downthrottling of the CPU in
order to reduce heat generation. This is normally done if the
temperature is continuing to rise despite active cooling being enabled.

On some hardware you can set the values at which different types of
cooling will be enabled in /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/*/trip_points. Echo a
colon separated list of values in there to rewrite them. Some BIOSes
will change the trip points in response to various events, which will
then overwrite your values.

Matthew Garrett | mjg59@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
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