Re: [PATCH] Added MIPS RM9K watchdog driver

From: Alan Cox
Date: Fri Aug 11 2006 - 15:44:58 EST

Ar Iau, 2006-08-10 am 23:19 +0200, ysgrifennodd
> + wd_regs = ioremap_nocache(rr->start, rr->end + 1 - rr->start);

If this fails ?

> + res = misc_register(&miscdev);
> + if (res)
> + iounmap(wd_regs);
> + register_reboot_notifier(&wdt_gpi_shutdown);
> + return res;

Failure path appears incomplete, surely you don't want to register a
reboot notifier then unload and error ?

> + copy_to_user((void __user *)arg, &wdinfo, size);

This function returns an error and should be checked. (The tricks with
IOC bits and verify_area aren't enough to be sure it won't error and
actually probably aren't worth doing)

> + printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: watchdog expired - resetting system\n",
> + wdt_gpi_name);
> +
> + *(volatile char *) flagaddr |= 0x01;
> + *(volatile char *) resetaddr = powercycle ? 0x01 : 0x2;
> + iob();
> + while (1) continue;

> +
> + return IRQ_HANDLED;

Unreachable code.

Also if this is a software watchdog why is it better than using
softdog ?

Otherwise it looks pretty sound.

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