Re: kernel panic at load average of 24 is it acceptable ?
From: Andreas Mohr
Date: Mon Jul 17 2006 - 10:45:37 EST
On Mon, Jul 17, 2006 at 08:28:03AM -0600, Robert Hancock wrote:
> Vikas Kedia wrote:
> >Since it shows ECC error is the hypothesis correct that its the RAM
> >problem and replacing it should solve the problem.
> That looks like a data cache ECC error, which would point to a CPU
> problem in that case..
(I already suspected the same privately)
IOW, pull the CPU(s), remove any and all dust you can find and reseat
them firmly, then pray and try again.
And a good idea would be to alert your local hardware shop in advance that
you might need new hardware real quick...
Andreas Mohr
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