Module link

From: yh
Date: Thu Jul 06 2006 - 23:47:02 EST

Thanks for all helps. The module can now be loaded. There are some other
issues as descripbled as follows:

1. The module I used links to i2c drivers. It works fine in kernel 2.4
after "insmod NewModule.o", but now it has a NULL point in kernel 2.6 when
to init it. It seems that the i2c driver is not linked in the module. How
can I link an i2c to my driver module?

2. In kernel 2.4, when I call "insmod NewModule.o", the insmod can find
the path of the NewModule.o and to init the module. In 2.6 kernel, the
"insmod NewModule.ko" does not know the path, so I have to specify the
path explicitly as "insmod
/lib/modules/" to make it work. I
guess the above problem in question 1 may also related to this issue. What
did I wrong here?

Thank you.


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