Re: Linux v2.6.18-rc1

From: Matt Keenan
Date: Thu Jul 06 2006 - 05:43:23 EST

Linus Torvalds wrote:

[snip snip]
The changes are too big for the mailing list, even just the shortlog. As usual, lots of stuff happened. Most architectures got updated, ACPI updates, networking, SCSI and sound, IDE, infiniband, input, DVB etc etc etc.

[snip snip]
Git users should generally just select the part they are interested in, and do something like

git log v2.6.17.. -- drivers/usb/ | git shortlog | less -S

to get a better and more focused view of what has changed.
[snip snip]

Is it possible to get a URL to a shortlog on a web git somewhere? Has this information been posted before and I have missed it?


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