Re: [Patch][RFC] Disabling per-tgid stats on task exit in taskstats

From: Chris Sturtivant
Date: Wed Jul 05 2006 - 16:24:11 EST

Shailabh Nagar wrote:
So here's the sequence of pids being used/hashed etc. Please let
me know if my assumptions are correct ?

1. Same listener thread opens 2 sockets

On sockfd1, does a bind() using
sockaddr_nl.nl_pid = my_pid1
On sockfd2, does a bind() using
sockaddr_nl.nl_pid = my_pid2

(one of my_pid1's could by its process pid but doesn't have to be)

For CSA, we are proposing to use a single (multi-threaded) demon that combines both the userland components for job and CSA that used to be in the kernel. In this case, the pid will be the same for two connections along with the cpu range. Does what your saying here mean that we should choose distinct values for my_pid1 and my_pid2 to avoid the two sockets looking the same? I'm not too familiar with netlink, yet.

Best regards,


Chris Sturtivant, PhD,
Linux System Software,
(650) 933-1703

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