Re: Driver for Microsoft USB Fingerprint Reader

From: Bill Davidsen
Date: Tue Jul 04 2006 - 23:58:30 EST

Alan Cox wrote:
Ar Llu, 2006-07-03 am 18:11 -0400, ysgrifennodd Daniel Bonekeeper:
That's one problem: I don't want to create one more userspace
interface for that. I suppose that all the hundreds of fingerprint
readers that ships with a SDK have their own way of doing that.. that

The very cheap readers all appear to be fairly crude image scanners, and
they even lack hardware encryption/perturbation so they are actually of
very limited value.

Crude, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. I like hardware which does as little as possible because I can then apply the appropriate software to the data. I can see that if cost is no object and the algorithm is never going to change, I can build all that stuff into the device. But I don't need to... as long as I can take the data, pass it through a transform, and get out of that a key which works or not, then I can do useful things with it.

Useful includes many things. I'm playing with using a combined secret and SecureID(tm) to decrypt and boot a virtual machine, such that I can do many unrelated things and have reduced chance of "unintended data migration." It also allows ad-hoc users (read that as undergrads) given a temporary machine fairly easily, visiting professors, etc.

I can see the benefits of having the whole package be a black box, I hope I have explained why I find even a dumb scanner useful in some cases.

Bill Davidsen <davidsen@xxxxxxx>
Obscure bug of 2004: BASH BUFFER OVERFLOW - if bash is being run by a
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