Re: [PATCH] ia64: change usermode HZ to 250

From: Alan Cox
Date: Wed Jun 28 2006 - 12:33:09 EST

Ar Mer, 2006-06-28 am 09:11 -0700, ysgrifennodd John Daiker:
> people should have been using the syscall to begin with... we're just
> forcing it on them this way! :-) That's my $0.02

In the cached HZ case there will be no performance hit of measure
anyway. The bigger problem is existing user space. That is why we've
always kept the user visible HZ based values the same when changing the
kernel HZ. You can't automatically regenerate all the old binaries you
might otherwise break.

Performance is only a minor issue, and I doubt anyone who cared about
performance would be using ia-64 anyway

[Grabs coat and exits..]

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