Re: [patch 2/6] [Network namespace] Network device sharing by view

From: Kirill Korotaev
Date: Tue Jun 27 2006 - 05:53:54 EST

My point is that if you make namespace tagging at routing time, and
your packets are being routed only once, you lose the ability
to have separate routing tables in each namespace.

Right. What is the advantage of having separate the routing tables ?
it is impossible to have bridged networking, tun/tap and many other features without it. I even doubt that it is possible to introduce private netfilter rules w/o virtualization of routing.

The question is do we want to have fully featured namespaces which allow to create isolated virtual environments with semantics and behaviour of standalone linux box or do we want to introduce some hacks with new rules/restrictions to meet ones goals only?

From my POV, fully virtualized namespaces are the future. It is what makes virtualization solution usable (w/o apps modifications), provides all the features and doesn't require much efforts from people to be used.

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