Re: [Suspend2][ 0/9] Extents support.

From: Nigel Cunningham
Date: Tue Jun 27 2006 - 03:26:14 EST


On Tuesday 27 June 2006 17:06, Greg KH wrote:
> Oh, and as a meta-comment, why /proc? You know that's not acceptable,
> right?

Partly because when I did consider switching to /sys, I found it to be
incomprehensible (even with the LWN articles and Documentation/ files).
Jonathan's articles and LCA presentation did help me start to get a better
grip, but then it just didn't seem to be worth the effort. I have two simple
relatively simple routines that handle all my proc entries at the moment, so
that adding a new entry is just a matter of adding an element in an array of
structs (saying what variable is being read/written, what type, min/max
values and side effect routines, eg). It looked to me like changing to sysfs
was going to require me to have a separate routine for every sysfs entry,
even though they'd all have those some basic features. Maybe I'm just
ignorant. Please tell me I am and point me in the right direction.


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