Re: Wish for 2006 to Alan Cox and Jeff Garzik: A functional Driver for PDC202XX

From: Mike Snitzer
Date: Wed Jun 21 2006 - 09:33:26 EST

On 6/21/06, Alan Cox <alan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Ar Mer, 2006-06-21 am 09:09 -0400, ysgrifennodd Erik Ohrnberger:
> noticed that it was working against linux-2.6.17-rc4-ide1, so I renamed
> the linux-2.6.17 to linux-2.6.17-rc4-ide1 and zcat | patch -p0.

Get linux-2.6.17-ide1.gz instead of the rc4 patch

I have a PDC20267 and tried out 2.6.17 + linux-2.6.17-ide1.gz The
resulting pata_pdc202xx_old module didn't initialize the controller on
boot (via initrd). Is there some other CONFIG option or linux cmdline
that should be used?

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