Re: [PATCH 3/4] Twofish cipher - i586 assembler

From: Joachim Fritschi
Date: Fri Jun 16 2006 - 19:21:28 EST

On Friday 16 June 2006 19:29, linux@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> Nice push/pop design!
> A couple of questions:
> 1) Would it be worth moving encrypt_round's pop %edi earlier, like
> encrypt_first_round does? Scheduling loads as early as possible is
> just good general principles.
I guess i missed that :/. Will be fixed.
> 2) Is it really worth having special first & last round definitions?
> encrypt_first round just has one more instruction that encrypt_round
> (ror $16,%eax) that could be moved to the pre-round setup, thereby
> eliminating the entire encrypt_first_round macro.
Good idea.
> And the only difference in encrypt_last_round is the absence of a
> "push b ### D" that could be delayed until the end of the macro and
> moved into the start of the next encrypt_round.
> Oh... and a change from "rol $15, c ## D" to "ror $1, c ## D".
> It might be worth living with the single extra instruction for
> the code simplicity.
There are 2 rotate changes. ( you missed "ror $15, b ## D;" to "ror $16, b ##
D;") That's 2 instructions (expensive ones) vs. a little more simplicity in
code. Not worth it imho since this patch is aimed for maximum perfomance and
adding 2 workaround wont make it much simpler to understand, just a little
less patchsize.
> Then you'd have a single encrypt_round of:
> /*
> a input register containing a (prerotated 16 bits)
> b input register containing b
> c input register containing c
> d input register containing d (prerotated 1 bit left)
> operations on a and b are interleaved to increase performance
> */
> #define encrypt_round(a,b,c,d,round)\
> push d ## D;\
> movzx b ## B, %edi;\
> mov s1(%ebp,%edi,4),d ## D;\
> movzx a ## B, %edi;\
> mov s2(%ebp,%edi,4),%esi;\
> movzx b ## H, %edi;\
> ror $16, b ## D;\
> xor s2(%ebp,%edi,4),d ## D;\
> movzx a ## H, %edi;\
> ror $16, a ## D;\
> xor s3(%ebp,%edi,4),%esi;\
> movzx b ## B, %edi;\
> xor s3(%ebp,%edi,4),d ## D;\
> movzx a ## B, %edi;\
> xor (%ebp,%edi,4), %esi;\
> movzx b ## H, %edi;\
> ror $15, b ## D;\
> xor (%ebp,%edi,4), d ## D;\
> movzx a ## H, %edi;\
> xor s1(%ebp,%edi,4),%esi;\
> pop %edi;\
> add d ## D, %esi;\
> add %esi, d ## D;\
> add k+round(%ebp), %esi;\
> xor %esi, c ## D;\
> rol $15, c ## D;\
> add k+4+round(%ebp),d ## D;\
> xor %edi, d ## D;
> which would be called by:
> twofish_enc_blk:
> push %ebp /* save registers according to calling convention*/
> push %edi
> push %ebx
> push %esi
> mov ctx + 16(%esp), %ebp /* abuse the base pointer: set new base bointer
> to the crypto ctx */ mov in_blk+16(%esp),%edi /* input adress in edi */
> mov (%edi), %eax
> mov b_offset(%edi), %ebx
> mov c_offset(%edi), %ecx
> mov d_offset(%edi), %edx
> input_whitening(%eax,%ebp,a_offset)
> input_whitening(%ebx,%ebp,b_offset)
> input_whitening(%ecx,%ebp,c_offset)
> input_whitening(%edx,%ebp,d_offset)
> rol $16, %eax
> encrypt_round(R0,R1,R2,R3,0)
> encrypt_round(R2,R3,R0,R1,8)
> encrypt_round(R0,R1,R2,R3,2*8)
> encrypt_round(R2,R3,R0,R1,3*8)
> encrypt_round(R0,R1,R2,R3,4*8)
> encrypt_round(R2,R3,R0,R1,5*8)
> encrypt_round(R0,R1,R2,R3,6*8)
> encrypt_round(R2,R3,R0,R1,7*8)
> encrypt_round(R0,R1,R2,R3,8*8)
> encrypt_round(R2,R3,R0,R1,9*8)
> encrypt_round(R0,R1,R2,R3,10*8)
> encrypt_round(R2,R3,R0,R1,11*8)
> encrypt_round(R0,R1,R2,R3,12*8)
> encrypt_round(R2,R3,R0,R1,13*8)
> encrypt_round(R0,R1,R2,R3,14*8)
> encrypt_round(R2,R3,R0,R1,15*8)
> rol $16, %ecx
> output_whitening(%eax,%ebp,c_offset)
> output_whitening(%ebx,%ebp,d_offset)
> output_whitening(%ecx,%ebp,a_offset)
> output_whitening(%edx,%ebp,b_offset)
> mov out_blk+16(%esp),%edi;
> mov %ecx, (%edi)
> mov %edx, b_offset(%edi)
> mov %eax, c_offset(%edi)
> mov %ebx, d_offset(%edi)
> pop %edi
> pop %esi
> pop %ebx
> pop %ebp
> mov $1, %eax
> ret
> I'm also trying to figure out why the encrypt_round and decrypt_round
> macros are different. Normally, a Feistel cipher just requires that
> the round subkeys be reversed to reverse the cipher; the F function is
> unmodified.
The rotates (1 left and 1 right) at the end of the round are exchanged, while
the sbox lookups and roundkeys stay the same. This makes a the reuse of the
code impossible.

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