Re: OOM kills if swappiness set to 0, swap storms otherwise

From: Charles Shannon Hendrix
Date: Tue May 02 2006 - 00:12:59 EST

Wed, 05 Apr 2006 @ 16:47 -0400, Bill Davidsen said:

Sorry for the late reply, and if this is a duplicate.

> >I shouldn't be suffering from swap storms.
> Agreed, does meminfo show that you are?


procinfo and other tools show a lot swapping, if that's what you mean, and you
can see it in disk I/O to the swap drives as well.

> The reason I ask is that I have noted that large memory machines and CD/DVD
> image writing suffer from some interesting disk write patterns. The image
> being built gets cached but not written, then the file is closed. At some
> point the kernel notices several GB of old unwritten data and decides to
> write it. This makes everything pretty slow for a while, even if you have
> 100MB/s disk system.

I see that kind of behavior quite a lot. Not just for DVD/CD images either.
Basically any large data processing fills memory with cached file data at the
expense of other programs and data.

> In theory you should be able to tune this, but in practice I see what
> you do. On small memory machines it's less noticable, oddly.

I tried putting swapiness down to 30. It helped, most of the time, but still
I saw way too much useless file data being cached.

I would personally rather just limit how much file data can be cached. I don't
mind agressive swapping, I just hate seeing a ton of file data being cached
that isn't going to be used again.

I'm also trying the ck kernels just to see how they run. So far they work

shannon "AT" -- ["All of us get lost in the darkness,
dreamers turn to look at the stars" -- Rush ]
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