Re: schedstats: sched_info_switch() invocation without checking (prev != next) before

From: Balbir Singh
Date: Fri Apr 28 2006 - 16:46:36 EST

> Look that sched_info_switch() is being invoked before verifying if the
> prev and next tasks are different or not. IMHO the more logical place
> to put sched_info_switch() function is inside the if (likely(prev !=
> next) { } block according to the comments mentioned previously.
> Any comments?

Yes, I think your analysis seems correct. There is an advantages
to calling sched_info_switch() before checking for prev != next in
the if (likely()).

if prev == next, sched_info_switch() updates the task and runqueue statistics
information (that helps keeping it up to date). This might be useful

<--- Balbir
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