Re: Re: [RFC][PATCH 5/9] CPU controller - Documents how the controllerworks

From: Martin Andersson
Date: Mon Apr 24 2006 - 05:23:34 EST

> A better way to achieve the desired group cpu usage IMHO would be to
> adjust nice level of members at slice refresh time. This way, you get
> the timeslice scaling and priority adjustment all in one.
> (I think I would do both actually, with nice level being preferred such
> that dynamic priority spread within the group isn't flattened, which can
> cause terminal starvation within the group, unless really required.)

I am actually working on something more or less like that as part of my licentiate (half time PhD) thesis. In the thesis I want to control CPU resources using a control theoretic approach. The results so far are very promising, but my code is not very mature yet. I plan to have my thesis ready during this summer, so if anyone is interested I can mail you a copy. If I have the time after that, I will try to incorporate my code into the CKRM framework.

/Martin Andersson
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