RT task scheduling

From: Darren Hart
Date: Wed Apr 05 2006 - 23:25:42 EST

My last mail specifically addresses preempt-rt, but I'd like to know people's
thoughts regarding this issue in the mainline kernel. Please see my previous
post "realtime-preempt scheduling - rt_overload behavior" for a testcase that
produces unpredictable scheduling results.

Part of the issue here is to define what we consider "correct behavior" for
SCHED_FIFO realtime tasks. Do we (A) need to strive for "strict realtime
priority scheduling" where the NR_CPUS highest priority runnable SCHED_FIFO
tasks are _always_ running? Or do we (B) take the best effort approach with
an upper limit RT priority imbalances, where an imbalance may occur (say at
wakeup or exit) but will be remedied within 1 tick. The smpnice patches
improve load balancing, but don't provide (A).

More details in the previous mail...


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