Re: [PATCH] config: Fix CONFIG_LFS option

From: Linus Torvalds
Date: Tue Mar 28 2006 - 17:31:35 EST

On Tue, 28 Mar 2006, Trond Myklebust wrote:
> The help text says that if you select CONFIG_LBD, then it will
> automatically select CONFIG_LFS. Nope... That isn't currently the
> case.

I'm not sure your patch makes anything much better, though.

Why does CONFIG_LSF exist in the first place? Afaik, it only affects a
totally not-very-interesting thing (blkcnt_t) for a totally not very
interesting feature (the number of people who want single files >2TB is
likely not very big).

Having it auto-selected by LBD sounds insane, since LBD is likely more
interesting than LSF itsef is. It would make more sense to go the other
way (have LSF auto-select LBD).

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