Re: [PATCH 2.6.15] Adding kernel-level identd dispatcher

From: Edward Chernenko
Date: Tue Mar 28 2006 - 05:11:16 EST

--- Trond Myklebust <trond.myklebust@xxxxxxxxxx>
> Justification, please.
> You haven't even tried to explain to us what is so
> broken about the
> userland identd that it needs to be replaced with a
> kernel version.

My point is that everything which follows this
conditions should be moved into kernel:
- must dispatch requests in a fixed time
- must work rarely, sleep most time
- must depend on internal kernel variables (for
example, established connections table)

Don't forget that many years ago there was echo daemon
in userspace. But as it's highly effective to dispatch
all echo requests in kernel, it was moved into
low-level TCP implementation.

I think that ident protocol also matches this

Edward Chernenko <edwardspec@xxxxxxxxx>

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