Re: [PATCH] Move SG_GET_SCSI_ID from sg to scsi

From: Linus Torvalds
Date: Sun Mar 26 2006 - 19:04:29 EST

On Mon, 27 Mar 2006, Jan Engelhardt wrote:
> Ah. So all the minix, bsd and sun c?t?[dps]? naming is based on what then
> (someone drinking just too much coffe?), if BTL/CTD/HCIL (call it what you
> want) never existed?


It was a stupid idea even in the 80's. It's only gotten stupider since.

Now, during the 80's it was at least _excusable_. It was reasonable to
think that you can just enumerate the controllers. And it was simple, and
since hotplug controllers back then was "operator plug", not the modern
kind of "they magically show up", it worked and controller numbers _meant_
something (even though they'd change when you switched things around, but
you can expect that).

These days, you just cannot enumerate controllers in any meaningful
manner. I don't think you ever really could, but at least with static
hardware, any random enumeration was as good as any other.

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