Modify the sock Structure!!

From: Benjamin
Date: Sat Mar 25 2006 - 02:08:46 EST

Hello! I try to modify the sock Structure in sock.h in order to record some data!
I just add a unsigned short in the end of the structure. such as:

struct sock {
/* Socket demultiplex comparisons on incoming packets. */
__u32 daddr; /* Foreign IPv4 addr */
__u32 rcv_saddr; /* Bound local IPv4 addr */


void (*destruct)(struct sock *sk);
unsigned short data; /*I put the unsigned short here*/

I re-complied the kernel. The kernel and network functions work normally so far.
However, I am a new guy for the kernel programming. I just wonder this modification is
safe or not. Is there any side-effect? Or I need to add additional code to avoid some unexpected
situation? Thank you very much!

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