Re: SubmittingPatches typo

From: 祁勇
Date: Wed Mar 22 2006 - 04:30:32 EST

Alan Cox wrote:

>>Nope. It's actually one of the amusing places where there *is* no rule.
>>Plurals that end in s always get just the apostrophe. But for singular
>>nouns that end in s, while I tend to think of "'s" as the default, some
>>people like to drop the final s if the result ("Sophocles's") would
>>otherwise sound awkward spoken aloud.
>The definitive references have this to say
>US English: Strunk and White says it should be "Torvalds's" and that the
>apostrophe alone is used only for ancient particularly biblical names
>ending in -es/is (eg Moses' laws)

akpm is already saying "Linus's" in his *mm-commits*:

This patch was probably dropped from -mm because
it has already been merged into a subsystem tree
or into Linus's tree

(btw, when Americans made mistakes, their English became American English.)

>UK English: The Oxford Guide To Style says
>"Use 's after non-classical or non-classicizing personal names ending
>with an s or z sound). It also says that Torvalds' would be acceptable.
>So both agree that
> Torvalds's
>is correct and that would appear to be the right choice to keep everyone
>both sides of the pond happy.
>Jan: Care to submit an updated patch as the original is indeed wrong ?
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