Re: VFAT: Can't create file named 'aux.h'?

From: Jan Engelhardt
Date: Tue Mar 21 2006 - 12:40:54 EST

>> It seems only fair to me to not allow creating these files under Linux
>> either, to avoid problems when booting back to Dos/Windows.
>This is true. smbfs, OTOH, has no such checks, so creating aux.h on an smb share is one easy way to DoS
>all WinXP machines using(browsing) this share. Explorer hangs on reading directory with this file.

BTW, what about cifs? And after all, this is not a smbfs check,
but it is something that should be done on the server side.
If you use smbfs to connect two Linux machines, you should be
able to create all the weird names you can imagine (with respect
to what the smb protocol allows). If you have a Windows machine
as the smbfs server, creating 'special files' should be limited
by whatever Windows sees fit.

Jan Engelhardt
| Software Engineer and Linux/Unix Network Administrator
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