Re: [openib-general] Re: 2.6.16-rc6-mm2: new RDMA CMEXPORT_SYMBOL's

From: Arjan van de Ven
Date: Mon Mar 20 2006 - 13:45:35 EST

> >>Please explain the thinking behind the choice of a non-GPL export.
> >>(Yes, we discussed this when inifiniband was first merged, but it
> >>doesn't hurt to reiterate).
> The agreement made within the OpenIB community, from where this code originates,
> is that all source code be licensed under a dual license of BSD/GPL. I am not a
> lawyer, so I don't know the implications of changing the exports to be GPL only,
> given the OpenIB license. But my understanding is that makes using those
> functions less attractive.

no actually ;)

but I understood OpenIB to be "GPL when used in the linux kernel,
optionally BSD when outside linux". Since EXPORT_SYMBOL is highly linux
kernel specific... the _GPL should be just fine

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