Re: Doubt about scheduler

From: Raúl Baena
Date: Sun Mar 05 2006 - 10:27:38 EST

I could to write the reason in my university job. (In Spain we have to make a final degree job, and mine is about modules in linux (I chose this), I would like to show information of the new scheduler, a scheduler monitor, and these fields are indispensable for me)

If your task is about modules in Linux, then I don't see how that
involves the scheduler at all?

On the other hand, if you want a scheduler monitor then I can't see
why it would be appropriate to implement as a module (we have schedstats,
which you can read from a userspace program or daemon).


Thank you very much Nick.

My task is free, I can do everything that I want that involves modules, I thought that to make the module about the new O(k) scheduler would be a good idea. I think that it´s not enough for me schedstats, because I want to make a visual scheduler, I mean, using GTK+ , a module and something else to make a visual scheduler monitor, how the tasks move between "active" and "expired", where the task are in prio_array with the bitmap fields...this module isn´t usefull, only in a didactic way. This is the reason because I have to make a module althought ( according with your recomendations, recomendations of a person who knows infinitely much than me) probably would be better to make another thing.

At any rate, I will search "schedstats" references, in case it was usefull.

Thank all of you very much again , with your help I hope to be able to make a good final degree job.
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