Re: hda: irq timeout: status=0xd0 DMA question

From: Mark Lord
Date: Sun Feb 26 2006 - 15:30:49 EST

Robert Hancock wrote:
Henrik Persson wrote:
Does happen once or twice a year.. Probably something funky with the
cabling or some power-related issues.

Anyway, I would be happy if the IDE driver would "just not do that". :)

I can see the reasoning where the device just doesn't function properly with DMA at all (like on some Compact Flash-to-IDE adapters where the card claims to support DMA but the DMA lines aren't wired through in the adapter properly). In that case not disabling DMA would render it useless. The IDE layer could keep track of whether DMA was previously working on that device however, and not disable DMA on reset if it had previously been working.

Definitely. Where these things get sticky is in defining "DMA was working".
And keeping track of it separately for reads and writes.

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