Re: CD writing in future Linux (stirring up a hornets' nest)
From: D. Hazelton
Date: Mon Feb 13 2006 - 18:07:40 EST
On Monday 13 February 2006 09:29, Joerg Schilling wrote:
> Sam Vilain <sam@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > Joerg Schilling wrote:
> > >> My system is clueless, too! If I write a CD before plugging my
> > >>USB storage device, my CD writer is on 0,0,0. If I plug my USB
> > >>storage device *before* doing any access, my cdwriter is on 1,0,0.
> > >>Pretty stable.
> > >
> > > You are referring to a conceptional problem in the Linux kernel.
> > > If you are unhappy with this, send a bug report to the related
> > > people.
> > > This does not belong to libscg.
> >
> > Jörg,
> >
> > Technically, you may have a point[*1*].
> >
> > However, no matter how correct someone is, if they act like a complete
> > dork, they're not going to be listened to.
> This is why I have less and less intrest in listening to most of the
> people who are around here.
> They are either technically uninformed, personal offensive or obviously
> not interested in a solution.
Joerg, if anyone involved in this entire discussion can be accused of being
personally offensive, it's you. As to "technically uninformed" remember, you
are still human and there is always someone smarter. I've seen that
"technically uninformed" line used by to many people who didn't want to
change their viewpoint.
And you seem to have missed the point here - he was giving you a hint that you
should at least try to be civil. I have limited capacity for that myself when
dealing with people that have offended me, but I am trying to keep a civil
tone in these communications nonetheless.
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