Re: Makefile targets: tar & rpm pkgs, while using O=<dir> as non-root

From: Sean
Date: Wed Dec 21 2005 - 04:11:04 EST

On Wed, December 21, 2005 2:49 am, Nix said:

> Well, personally I handle patch-application in cp -al'ed trees by doing
> cp -al via a script, and repatching all currently hardlinked trees
> (obviously if they are very divergent some patches will fail and I'll
> have to fix them up by hand).
> It works for me well enough to keep hardlinked branches going for in
> some cases years without problems.

Well the O= syntax is much nicer when using Git. You symply checkout the
branch you're interested in and compile it; then switch to another,
compile it, etc... Git makes checking out a brach lightning fast, it's
very slick. Using the O= notation means you only have one branch checked
out at a time and there's no need to have source files linked to a bunch
of different directories.


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