From HDO4A

From: hdo4a
Date: Tue Dec 06 2005 - 22:53:21 EST

Kinh gui quy khach hang,
HD xin tran trong gui toi quy cong ty dich vu sua chua cac thiet bi tin
-Dich vu sua chua Mainboard
-Dich vu sua chua Mornitor
-Dich vu sua chua ModemADSL
-Dich vu sua chua cac thiet bi kho sua chua nhu CardSound Creative, loa
Creative-Altec Lansing-Klipsch-Bose Companion...
-Dich vu sua chua-cuu du lieu tren cac HDD hong...
Quy khach co nhu cau xin lien he: Tel:04.9875709;

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