Re: PowerBook5,8 - TrackPad update

From: Parag Warudkar
Date: Fri Dec 02 2005 - 12:01:48 EST

My original patch is still work in progress and was intended as a starting point if someone was already adept with the trackpad stuff and was willing to help.
(Basically it was a call for help - nothing for end users ;)

Things that remained to be done -

1) Support for all PowerBooks in one code base (> Feb 2005)
1) Create different versions for each one or two of them

Depending upon whether or not widely varying algorithms are needed for each variety.

2) Major part - reliably working code for finger movement detection for all Oct 2005 PowerBooks (15" itself seems to come with trackpads having entirely different characteristics.)

3) Possibly Dual Finger Detection for scrolling - this is optional but would be good to have.

I am working on it as time and urges permit and it will speed up only if Johannes doesn't get his PowerBook or the one he gets is 0x0216 !!


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