2.6.9 reporting 1 Gigabyte/second throughput on bio's, timer skewpossible?

From: Jeff V. Merkey
Date: Fri Nov 11 2005 - 19:28:08 EST

I am running one of our 3U appliances with dual 9500 Series 3Ware Controllers. The unit is an online demo system accessible from
the internet via SSH to the public for solera networks Linux appliance demos running the DSFS file system:

Account: demo
password: demo

(text ncurses)
Account: demo-text
password: demo

I have allocated 393,216 bio buffers I statically maintain in a chain and am running the dsfs file system with 3 x gigabit links fully saturated. meta-data
increases the write sizes to 720 MB/Second on dual 9500 controllers with 8 drives each (total of 16) 7200 RPM Drives. I am seeing some congestion and bursting on the bio chains as they are submitted. I am not aware of anyone pushing 2.6 to these limits at present with this type of architecture. I have split
the kernel address space 3GB/1GB 3-kernel 1-user space in order to create enough memory to run this file system with 2GB of cache.

DSFS dynamically generates html status files form within the file system. When the system gets somewhat behind, I am seeing bursts > 1 GB/Second which exceeds the theoretical limit of the bus. I have a timer function that runs every second and profiles the I/O throughput created by DSFS with bio submissions and captured packets. I am asking if there is clock skew at these data rates with use of the timer functions. The system appears to be sustaining 1GB/Second throughput on dual controllers. I have verified through data rates the system is sustaining 800 megabytes/second with these 1GB/S bursts. I am curious if there is potentially timer skew at these higher rates since I am having a hard time accepting that I can push 1GB/S through a bus rated at only 850 MB/S for DMA based transfers. The unit is accessible by the general public, since its a demo unit andwe are unconcerned about folks getting on the system. Folks are welcome to look and if anyone has any thoughts on this, please let me know. I am concerned that the timer functions are not always ending on second boundries, which would explain the higher reported numbers. Windows 2003 does not approach these performance numbers, BTW, so Linux appears to win on raw performance for vertical File System Apps.

dsfs file system mounted at /var/ftp can be viewed:

Stats pages generated from dsfs:

capture stats:
storage stats:
dsfs cache stats:
network interface stats:
virtual network interface maps:


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