Re: 2.6.14-rt1 - xruns in a certain circumstance

From: Nuno Silva
Date: Mon Oct 31 2005 - 20:48:08 EST

Mark Knecht wrote:


I took a quick look. If you get a chance where does the NoAccel option
go? Inside of the section for the radeon driver? I'm sure I can find
this online but won't have much of an opportunity for the next few

IMHO this wont matter because, IIRC, the preview window in mythtv doesn't even use xv... It's a straight x11 bitmap beeing drawn, after scaling (so it's very CPU intensive... It's like having the HDD without DMA enabled).

If the -rt series should work alright without DMA in the disks or with mplayer -vo x11 or with myth's preview it's another issue :-)

Btw, test for xruns with "mplayer -vo x11 movie.mpg" if you can.

Nuno Silva
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