Re: 2.6.14-rc5 (i386) + TSC, how to disable? time drift

From: Vladimir Lazarenko
Date: Wed Oct 26 2005 - 21:34:13 EST

On Thu, 2005-10-27 at 03:13 +0200, Vladimir Lazarenko wrote:


To continue on my struggle with Dual-core - another interesting issue popped up: time drift.

SMP is enabled, TSC is enabled.

It looks like you have ACPI PM and HPET enabled in the kernel, so it
appears your system does not support alternative clocksources.

You can check to see if a updated BIOS that makes ACPI PM or HPET
available to the OS has been released, or request one from your hardware

You might want to try idle=poll as well.

Thank you john. So far, idle=poll seemed to help, partially.
The time doesn't go backwards for now, it only occasionally skips a second, every 2-3 minutes. Is that normal? Not that I have been watching seconds very closely at any previous moment, so I can't say if it has ever happened before.

And I dont' know if this question can be addressed to you, but can you say something about those /proc/interrupts? Why don't I see any interrupts except LOC being handled by 2nd CPU core?

Thanks in advance!


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