Re: what's next for the linux kernel?

From: Michael Concannon
Date: Thu Oct 06 2005 - 17:40:47 EST

It seems to me that the driver for "correcting" this is actually closer to the hardware side... I am flabbergasted as a hardware engineer that at this point in time with the time elapsed between today and the first PCs that things have evolved so little...

ah _ha_.

as a hardware engineer, what would _you_ like to see a
modern parallel processor design have - that linux for that
hardware would have an easy job of knocking the stuffing
out of anything remotely attempting to come close to it?

i.e. if you could have the proverbial cart before the
proverbial horse, and could make decisions about the DESIGN
of hardware - all of it - BEFORE it was dumped in your lap
and you were basically impicitly told "we're giving you
this for free and taking advantage of your willingness to go
'cool hardware! let's make it run linux".

Actually, no... I'd like to see the OS equivalent of a GPU... We know what the problems of an OS are now... they have not changed for 25 years... and in those 25 years we have gathered an enormous library of lessons learned...

Let's learn from what we already know and take a step above push/pop/mov (ok a leap) and stop working around what is now basically 30 years of crap piled on the 8086 and create some hardware that is actual "Specific to the Application" rather than the other way around...


ps. I am doing my part to kill this thread - "just say no" ;-)
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