Re: freebox possible GPL violation

From: Stefan Smietanowski
Date: Wed Oct 05 2005 - 20:04:51 EST

Hash: SHA1

>> If the box downloads a linux kernel through the DSLAM network, then
>> someone is clearly distributing linux kernels through the DSLAM network.
>> I would guess it is the same guys, because relying on someone else
>> providing
>> them with kernels is a risky business. But whoever is on the other end
>> of the DSLAM net have to offer the source as well, because they _are_
>> distributing kernels.
>> The fact that the user isn't supposed to know how this box work
>> doesn't change anything, of course. The GPL says those who
>> distribute the work - it doesn't matter that they don't tell the
>> customer that they're given a linux kernel. They still have to offer
>> the source if asked.
> the argument that they are making is that they are only moveing the
> kernel within their own companies equipment, and therefor it doesn't
> count as 'distribution'
> agree with this argument or not, but please acknowledge this point of
> view rather then pretending that they have no argument at all and are
> just plain refusing.
> David Lang

If one turns it on, doesn't turn it off, pays the 400 EUR and
as a result OWNS it, then what one has is a box that at that point
in time is running Linux and one is the owner of it.

// Stefan
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